Welcome to

Alpha and Omega
English Class

An English Class that is organized by the Amish and Mennonites of Lancaster County and is serving refugees and Immigrants in Lancaster City, PA.

Tuesday and Thursday

Classes run from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Southwest side of Lancaster City, PA

Three Levels of English

We offer three levels of English and try to fit each student into a level that fits where they are.

Student Registration

Teacher Registration

Free Classes

Class costs are supported by local churches and individuals.

Child Care Provided

We offer free childcare services for children ages 3-13.

Three English Levels

Students will be placed in one of three levels of English.

Get a Certificate

We offer a certificate of participation for regular class attendees.

Parking for Students

Parking is available along the streets in the neighborhood of the class.

Final Class Dinner

At the end of class, there will be a final potluck dinner.

Our Class Location

We are located on the southwest side of Lancaster City in Pennsylvania.


708 Wabank Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Call or Text

CJ: (717)-917-7284
Shawn: (717) 725-0825

Email us


News on the Class and Lancaster City

In 2022, our English Class was mentioned in National Geographic.

Lancaster was named by BBC as the refugee capital of America.

new york times logo

Another story of a family who attended English Classes at Alpha and Omega.

“Pennsylvania was established on the principle of religious freedom. Add to that the religious dimension of Lancaster with the Amish tradition, and you get one of the most tolerant places in the country. Yes, we are welcoming people that look different. But they don’t look any more different from the norm than an Amishman does.”

Rick Gray – Former Lancaster City Mayor
Who Are We?

About the Alpha and Omega English Class

The class is offered with the support of local Amish and Mennonite churches and other interested individuals. Our hope is that refugees and immigrants from around the world find Lancaster to be a welcoming place where they can start a new life, and we hope our English Class can be a small part of that.